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Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

Learn the art of security analysis and portfolio management

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Instructors: HandE Learning


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Why this course?



This course provides a comprehensive understanding of security analysis and portfolio management, covering various techniques and strategies to evaluate securities and create portfolios. Students will learn how to analyze financial statements, assess risk-reward trade-offs, apply valuation methodologies, construct efficient portfolios, and make informed investment decisions. The course also explores key concepts like market efficiency, portfolio performance evaluation, and portfolio diversification.

Key Highlights:

  • Learn to analyze financial statements and assess risk-reward trade-offs
  • Understand different valuation methodologies for securities
  • Gain insights into constructing efficient portfolios
  • Explore market efficiency and portfolio performance evaluation
  • Master techniques for portfolio diversification

What you will learn:

  • Learning Outcome 1
    Develop the skills to analyze financial statements and evaluate risk-reward trade-offs effectively.
  • Learning Outcome 2
    Acquire knowledge of various valuation methodologies and apply them to value different types of securities.
  • Learning Outcome 3
    Understand the principles and techniques involved in constructing efficient investment portfolios.
  • Learning Outcome 4
    Explore the concept of market efficiency and learn how it impacts security analysis and portfolio management.
  • Learning Outcome 5
    Master the art of portfolio diversification and its role in risk management and enhancing investment returns.

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How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
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