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HR Consulting and Outsourcing

Language: English

Instructors: HandE

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Why this course?


  • Title: HR Consulting and Department Setup
  • Category: HR
  • Target Country: Global
  • What's included and rate: Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3
  • Optional add-ons: Policy and Process Design, HR Training
  • Project Image: Yes
  • Sample Documents

Sample Forms | Sample Design | Sample Policy and Handbook | Assignments

  • Requirements for the client

Management of talent in the workplace is a matter of central concern to all managers and not only to HR professionals. Therefore, all managers, irrespective of their functional areas, are called on to solve problems that involve significant Talent Management issues. Basic knowledge and better understanding of Talent Management would help them in solving such problems.

This Project requires information and data relates to Talent Management, People Management, Employee Motivation, Reward Management, Reports-Analytics and Employee Relations.

  • Project details

Consulting of Human Resource Management (HRM) and the Scope of Human Resource Management, the Processes in HRM and Role of HRM. Implement modules like Hiring, Training and Development, Performance Management, Motivation, ER, HR Operation, Policy and Compensation Retention Strategies followed by Organizations. Learn about the Skills required for HR Professionals with case studies, quizzes, assignments and Course works. Learn Strategic Human Resource Management, Leadership Development and Organizational Development

  • Steps for completing your project

In the first phase of the Project, we will implement the most common human resource management processes like HRM, Recruitment, T&D, PMS, Motivation-Employee Management, Payroll & Compliances, Reward Management and HR Policy. 

In the middle Phase of the Project, you’ll learn how to improve your Strategic and Leadership skills related to Leadership Development and Organizational Development. You will also learn the skills required for a HR or People Management function with downloadable resources and applicable articles.

In the final phase of the Project, you’ll develop the ability analyze and solve Human Resource and People Management issues or scenarios with assignments related to Recruitment, Performance Management, Training & Development, Employee Relations and Compensation design. 

Frequently asked questions

Who can participate in the Project Implementation?

Professionals with people management responsibilities and HR Professionals, Line Managers. New managers looking to transition successfully from a production to a management role. Existing managers looking to get more engagement and innovation from their teams and organizations

What is the benefit and requirement of the Project?  

Implement all the basic functions and skills required for the HR and People Management role.  Transform your People and Human Resource management efficiency for the current business climate. Get access to recommended templates and formats for common HR processes. Learn useful case studies, industry practices and demonstrations of different HR practices with useful forms and frameworks. Assess your leadership, managerial style, conflict management style and capability as a management professional

Course Curriculum

How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.


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Live Session or Workshop | Customized Session | Assessment | Placement


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